Meeting Times & Information
Postponements and cancellations are posted on Channel 3.
The New Britain AHEPA, 7 pm – 1st TUESDAY
Typically the New Britain Chapter of the AHEPA meets on the first Tuesday of the month in the Community Center. Some months include a meal prior to the meeting.
The Golden Rascals Senior Club, 12 noon – 1st WEDNESDAY
Typically the Golden Rascals Senior Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the Community Center. The meeting often includes dining, speakers, BINGO…and sociability!
The Meriden Daughters of Penelope, after Divine Liturgy – 2nd SUNDAY
Typically the Meriden Daughters of Penelope meets on the second Sunday of the month after Liturgy.
The Parish Council, 6:30 pm- 2nd TUESDAY
Typically the Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the AHEPA family room. Community members interested in addressing the Council should speak with the President about being placed on the Agenda prior to the meeting.
The Philoptochos Society, after Divine Liturgy- 3rd SUNDAY
Typically the Ladies Philoptochos Society meets on the third Sunday of the month after services in the Philoptochos Room.
The New Britain Daughters of Penelope – 4th SUNDAY
Typically the New Britain Daughters of Penelope meet on the fourth Sunday of the month after services in the AHEPA Family Room.